Professional Store


HPR SERUM with Granactive retinoid 2%


30 ml

Regenerating Serum with Retinol

Powerful skin cell renewal

Regulation of keratinization at all levels


Correction of acne-like rashes

Made in Switzerland.


Serum with peptides and the latest generation retinoid specifically affects the nuclear receptors of skin cells.


The serum contains two unique components. Latest generation HPR retinoid.


Active Ingredients.

RENOVAGE -- A unique peptide complex. In the course of biological studies, it was found that the life of a cell culture under the influence of Renovage increased by 1/3, cell aging slowed down by 3.5 months.


GRANDACTIVE RETINOID 2% - The latest generation HPR retinoid (Hydroxypinacolone retinoate) is a new ester of retinoic acid.



3D - lift serum


50 ml

Peptide complex for atonic skin

Lifting and moisturizing the skin

Record increase in elastin synthesis by 15%


Production Germany.


Lifting anti-age serum for effective aging skin care.

Peptide rejuvenation serum includes a unique IDEALIFT peptide complex, which activates the process of elastin synthesis.


Active Ingredients.


HYALURONIC ACID - has a high degree of hygroscopicity.

IDEALIFT® is an elastin-stimulating dipeptide linked to a lipid chain to enhance bioavailability.

PENTAVITIN® is a biotech complex of vegetable carbohydrates that provides instant deep hydration, improves hydration of epidermal cells and creates a long-term skin barrier to prevent moisture loss.

$ 99

Melano-block serum


50 ml

A brightening camouflage serum


4 heavy duty brightening agents

Interacts with the skin microbiome

Perfectly even skin tone

Protection of cellular DNA from UV radiation

Made in Switzerland


A revolutionary concentrate for brightening and even skin toning with a therapeutic effect. Today's most powerful brightening agents in one bottle! Brightenyl® is the first generation of active ingredients that are activated when applied to the skin by microorganisms that normally live on human skin. Stratum microbium converts the component into molecules that act on 7 biological circuits to reduce age spots and redness of various origins. Asyntra®SL is an innovative complex based on the beloved component Synovea (Hexylresorcinol), enhanced by synergy with ethyl linoleate.


Active Ingredients.


NIACINAMIDE PC (NIACINAMIDE PC) - a modernized formula of the well-known vitamin B3, but without side effects - burning, feeling hot and warm. Improves microcirculation.

ASYNTRA®SL is an amphiphilic lipid with the highest bioavailability. This is an innovative complex based on the favorite component of Synovea (Hexylresorcinol)

UNITAMURON H-22 (UNITAMURON) is a natural moisturizer, a plant analogue of hyaluronic acid. This polysaccharide is obtained from the seeds of Indian tamarind.

FLASHWHITE UNISPHERES® are unique brightening unispheres that instantly hide skin imperfections. The combination of camouflage and therapeutic properties of Unispheres gives amazing results! An even light complexion is achieved by exposure to a high concentration of natural whitening pigment titanium dioxide in combination with bio-extracts of cucumber and lemon, rich in vitamin C.

BRIGHTENYL® is the result of the deepest research in the field of metagenomics, microbiology and biochemistry. This is an aqueous solution of THBG (a-glucosides of trihydroxybenzoic acid), which, unlike the natural unstable molecule of trihydroxybenzoic acid (THBA), is highly stable, 100% safe and penetrates the skin to a depth of 12 microns. The skin microbiota partially converts THBG to THBA by cleavage of the α-glucoside enzyme

$ 299



100 ml

Pretiekaisuma žāvēšanas SOS - līdzeklis.


Aktīva žāvēšana un baktericīda iedarbība

Atrisinošs efekts infiltrātiem

Audu reģenerācija, dziedinošs efekts

Izra ražošana


Neaizstājams līdzeklis problemātiskai ādai ar izsitumiem! Terapeitiskā suspensija - "runātājs" - divkārši iedarbojas uz iekaisuma elementiem: uzsūcas infiltrātiem, žūst pustulām. SOS-līdzeklis uzlabo audu reģenerāciju un mikrocirkulāciju ādā. Ļoti efektīvs efekts rodas visos iekaisuma elementu nobriešanas posmos!


Aktīvās sastāvdaļas.


ROZEMARĪNA EKSTRAKTS ir mega-antioksidants. Šī rozmarīna aktivitāte ir saistīta ar augstu fenola diterpēnu, karnozola un karnozīnskābes saturu, kam piemīt unikāla spēja nepārtraukti piedalīties lieko brīvo radikāļu neitralizācijā.

SĒRS – aktīvs komponents tauku dziedzeru darbības regulēšanai. Tam ir keratolītiska iedarbība, samazinot pārmērīgu keratinizāciju ap tauku dziedzeru un iekaisuma elementu izvadkanāliem.

CINKA OKSĪDS ir lielisks antiseptisks un žāvējošs līdzeklis, dabisks UV filtrs.

KAMPORA – piemīt pretiekaisuma un antibakteriāla iedarbība, novēršot jaunu izsitumu parādīšanos.

B3 VITAMĪNS (NIACĪNAMĪDS) ir spēcīgs šūnu metabolisma regulators. Palielina keramīdu un brīvo taukskābju sintēzi epidermā, tādējādi atjaunojot šķelto lipīdu barjeru un mitruma līdzsvaru ādā, palielinot ādas barjerfunkciju. Darbojas kā antioksidants, aizsargājot šūnu DNS no UV bojājumiem

$ 99

Total oil-control serum


50 ml

You will find the latest information about us on this page. Our company is constantly evolving and growing. We provide wide range of services. Our mission is to provide best solution that helps everyone.

$ 299


You will find the latest information about us on this page. Our company is constantly evolving and growing. We provide wide range of services. Our mission is to provide best solution that helps everyone.

$ 99


You will find the latest information about us on this page. Our company is constantly evolving and growing. We provide wide range of services. Our mission is to provide best solution that helps everyone.

$ 299


You will find the latest information about us on this page. Our company is constantly evolving and growing. We provide wide range of services. Our mission is to provide best solution that helps everyone.